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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

LRC: Freedom Rings for Wrong Reasons

Blaine Amendments to save us from a complete federal take over of education?

Freedom Rings for Wrong Reasons

...Elsewhere, Establishment libertarians condemn Blaine Amendments, because they're allegedly the product of bigotry (that most heinous of all possible crimes, which we all know is worse than statism) against Catholics. And that is, to an extent, true. The man who inspired them, James Blaine (1830–1893), fought for a similar amendment to the United States constitution. The proposed federal amendment failed, but most of the states subsequently passed "Blaine Amendments" of their own. And in some cases, the Amendments were supported by anti-Catholic evangelical Protestants.

Well, so what? If Catholic schools were, in fact, trying to get their hands on government money, well, then – though I have little but admiration for the Catholic Church – thank God for Blaine Amendments.


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