The Remnant, New England

Home for New England Nationalists of All Stripes

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Look Homeward, America - new Bill Kauffman

Look Homeward, America
In Search of Reactionary Radicals and Front-Porch Anarchists
By Bill Kauffman


I am an American patriot. A Jeffersonian decentralist. A fanatical localist. And I am an anarchist. Not a sallow garret-rat translating Proudhon by pirated kilowatt, nor a militiaman catechized by the Classic Comics version of The Turner Diaries; rather, I am the love child of Henry Thoreau and Dorothy Day, conceived amidst the asters and goldenrod of an Upstate New York autumn. Like so many of the subjects of this book, I am also a reactionary radical, which is to say I believe in peace and justice but I do not believe in smart bombs, daycare centers, Wal-Mart, television, or Melissa Etheridge’s test-tube baby.

“Reactionary radicals” are those Americans whose political radicalism (often inspired by the principles of 1776 and the culture of the early America) is combined with—in fact, flows from—a deep-set social “conservatism.” These are not radicals who wish to raze venerable institutions and make them anew: they are, in fact, at antipodes from the warhead-clutching egghead described by (the reactionary radical) Robert Lee Frost:

With him the love of country means
Blowing it all to smithereens
And having it all made over new
Look Homeward, America


Blogger Local Ale said...

Reactionary Radicals

(Blog in conjunction with the book)

I was 'wowed' myself that Mr.Kauffman gave Maine some attention. I have been trying, as you know, to fit Maine into the NH-VT zeitgeist, and he has gone and done it for me. I also noted on the blog, Kauffman mentions his own local NY ale, Saranac.

3:20 PM  

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