The Remnant, New England

Home for New England Nationalists of All Stripes

Promoting the interests and the return of liberty to the New England region, while highlighting the unique contributions to the casue of liberty and peace from the New England states.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

'Hybrid Mutant' Found Dead in Maine

..."It was evil, evil looking. And it had a horrible stench I will never forget," she told the Sun Journal of Lewiston. "We locked eyes for a few seconds and then it took off. I've lived in Maine my whole life and I've never seen anything like it." For the past 15 years, residents across Androscoggin County have reported seeing and hearing a mysterious animal with chilling monstrous cries and eyes that glow in the night. The animal has been blamed for attacking and killing a Doberman pinscher and a Rottweiler the past couple of years.

More AP/Breitbart

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Free Vermont: Going Back To The Future

...As Americans, we eat fossil fuel energy, as most of our food has been grown with fossil fuel-based fertilizers and pesticides, and has traveled hundreds, if not thousands, of miles to reach our plates. A free Vermont, led by local coalitions of farmers, entrepreneurs, community networks, and educated food consumers, will re-invent itself by embracing “food sovereignty,” working to ensure a safe and adequate agricultural system and food supply to feed our citizens in a post-carbon world.

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Peter Forbes: Start With The Land

Are we really loyal to our own soil? Let me make a straightforward proposition: all talk of the future of nations and states that doesn’t start with the fundamentals of soil, and our relationship to it, is the domain of armchair revolutionaries.

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